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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Folk Club recap - Tuesday, April 7, 2010

I had a great time at Folk Club last night.  I lead Little Birdie, which we played for the first time.  Maria lead Caballito Blanco.  That was also the first time we played that.  It's great to get some new stuff going.  Will the Circle Be Unbroken was beautiful.  So was the post-jam I'll Fly Away.

I was so happy to sit off to the side and work on my new banjo techniques.  Some of it is coming together and that's exciting to hear.

Wednesdays are fun, but can be tough.  It's a full day with classes at both RPMS and Old Town School.  We have only 9 classes left at RPMS.  Can you believe that?  Time to get get going on the final project.  We're going to record CDs.  I'm not totally sure how it's going to happen, but I'm excited to try it.

And I'm off . . .